
If you study the human body you start to realize that the use of drugs to fix or control disease is a brute force method of healing not far removed from the use of leaches to bleed patents as far back as the 3rd century AD. Even today, in what we call “modern medicine” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2004 approved the use of leeches for localized venous congestion post -surgery, recognizing them as a form of living, medical device. My point, is that as proud as we are of modern medicine, its really far behind where it should be. In my opinion it’s because we would rather use drugs to treat symptoms, rather than attacking the source of the problems that cause them. Continue reading “Nutraceuticals—Really?”

How to Design and Build an Artificially-Intelligent Brain…(But Why?)

Introduction: Hints From Cognitive Load Theory and Evolutionary Psychology

Cognitive Load Theory attempts to understand how human working memory processes and stores information entering the brain through the sensory channels (Sweller). Research has shown that human working memory imposes limits on a human’s ability to store information (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974; Cowan, 2010; Miller, 1956) as well as the length of time it can be stored (Peterson & Peterson, 1959). According to this theory, working memory, therefore acts like a filter for sensory data, allowing it to be pre-processed before being passed on to long-term memory for longer term encoding and storage(Bartlett, 1932). Continue reading “How to Design and Build an Artificially-Intelligent Brain…(But Why?)”